Suffering from TMJ and facial muscle pain?

Botox Therapy relieves pain caused by clenching, grinding, and other TMJ related discomfort.


+ What is BOTOX®?

Botox is an FDA approved treatment that relieves pain caused by clenching, grinding, and other TMJ related discomfort. Botox affects the muscles responsible for bruxism and keeps them from being hyperactive.

+ What is the science?

In order for muscles to contract, nerves release a chemical messenger - acetylcholine - at the junction where the nerve endings meet muscle cells. Acetylcholine attaches to receptors on the muscle cells and causes them to contract. Botox blocks the release of acetylcholine, and therefore blocks contraction of the muscle cells. Botox causes a reduction in abnormal muscle contraction, preventing the muscle from being hyperactive.

+ Am I a good candidate? You are if:

  • You have moderate to severe pain from clenching and grinding
  • You get tension-related headaches
  • Your general health is good
  • You are not pregnant or breastfeeding

+ How can I prepare for treatment?

A consultation is required if Botox is new to you. During the consultation, your doctor will evaluate your unique muscle actions and recommend a dosage specific to your needs. In preparation for your treatment, it is best to come without makeup. Your doctor will use an alcohol wipe to sanitize injection sites.

+ What can I expect during treatment?

If it is your first time receiving treatment, you will have photos taken. Your doctor will evaluate and mark your unique muscle actions. A tiny needle will be used to inject Botox into the muscles that cause clenching, grinding, and headaches. The number of injections and amount of Botox you receive will depend on the severity of your TMJD. The actual injection process takes about 10 minutes but your appointment may take 30 minutes.

+ What can I expect after treatment?

You can return to your normal activities right away. It is important to avoid rubbing the areas that were injected as it could cause the botulinum toxin to migrate to other areas of your face, causing temporary facial weakness or drooping. Slight bruising may occur at the injection sites, which will subside like any other small bruises. If it is your first time receiving treatment, a 2-week check-up visit will be scheduled to allow for adjustments in dosage.

+ How long do results last?

Results typically last 3-6 months.

+ Does Botox treatment hurt?

Most patients report that being injected with Botox feels like a pinch or sting. We may use ice to numb the treatment area. If you are concerned about discomfort, we may apply a topical numbing cream before administering your treatment.

+ What are common side effects?

  • discomfort or pain at the injection site
  • bruising
  • eyelid drooping
  • eyebrow drooping
  • dry mouth
  • headache
  • eye problems: double vision, blurred vision, decreased eyesight and dry eyes
  • allergic reactions

+ Can this treatment be used as part of a combo therapy?

In addition to botox therapy, your doctor will give you the tools to massage and stretch your facial muscles to help you feel relaxed and loose. You may also benefit from a custom fit nightguard.

+ Will Botox make me look "frozen" or like I’ve had work done?

Botox is a technique-sensitive treatment. You should not lose the ability to talk, chew, or show expression when you are treated by someone who is licensed, trained, and a medical expert in facial anatomy. Dr. Helen is certified by the AAFE and is skilled in administering the minimal effective dose to alleviate your TMJ pain.


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