What sets apart our cosmetic dentistry is our doctor’s exquisite attention to detail and artistic vision. Each smile design is carefully crafted to mimic natural teeth and facial harmony. We work with the top dental ceramist laboratory in San Francisco to offer customization and convenience.

#8 & 9 Veneers

An traumatic accident fractured the front teeth. Failed bonded veneers where replaced by beautiful porcelain veneers.

#8, 9 & 25 Veneers

Failed bonding and a discolored dark tooth restored with porcelain veneers for a natural appearance. 

#8 & 9 Veneers

Discoloration from fluorosis corrected with veneers to create balance and harmony for a beatifule smile. 

#8 Veneer & #9 Crown

Front two teeth fractured in an accident and restored with porcelain ceramic for a natural appearance and strength. 

Let’s Work Together

CALL TO BOOK 415-706-7687